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The top charity fundraising campaigns by media coverage

Professional journalists working for NLA publishers have access to the NLA ClipShare service – a user-friendly archive of national and regional newspapers in text and PDF formats stretching back to 2007. ClipShare enables journalists to research rapidly the context for an article they are about to write and check previous reporting, but it is also a great tool to discover trends – as you can see from this Telegraph article published earlier this month. 

To further demonstrate its use, we took a look at the biggest charity campaigns of 2014, to see how they performed.

Clipshare and Factiva data

Using ClipShare and Factiva data, you can see that the long-established and much loved Poppy Appeal came out top of this sample in terms of volume of press coverage. 

The power of social media is also evident.  Ice Bucket Challenge was hugely effective in 2014, generating coverage for ALS and a range of other charities through influential print media. 

Clipshare and Factiva data

Clipshare data also suggests that the Royal British Legion deserves a pat on the back as it sought to increase awareness of Remembrance Sunday and charity giving for military veterans.  Press media coverage has increased two years in a row, driven by high volumes of regional coverage of the various fundraising efforts undertaken by the charity and its supporters during the annual Poppy Appeal.  

Clipshare data

As data becomes an ever more valuable resource for media, these are some of the ways in which publisher data store by NLA media access can be used.

Only journalists working for subscribing NLA publishers can access ClipShare, but businesses and members of the public can use the NLA ClipSearch database on a pay as you go basis.