Global solutions from the creative industries

There was good news last month when the Government promised to contribute £150,000 in funds to the Copyright Hub, matching industry support. It was equally pleasing to see another step forward in creative industry collaboration announced by the Linked Content Coalition (LCC) this week.
The LCC is creating the first ever international rights management framework for Copyright. The Framework should contribute to enabling the management and access of online rights information seamlessly across all types of media and content, whether text, image, sound or audio-visual. The LCC work is fundamental to the development of the Copyright Hub in the UK.
This project has huge potential to simplify both rights management for collecting societies, and make life easier for businesses and individuals who need to access copyright across borders. It will also help to create a simple mechanism to enable creators to claim intellectual property rights in their works – whether for commercial or non-commercial use. This is particularly important in the digital age, as without such a framework it is very difficult to identify the owners of many works placed online.
As with the Copyright Hub, the NLA is involved with the LCC as a member and funding contributor. LCC Chairman, Christoph Keese from Axel Springer explains more about the opportunity the Framework presents here.
David Pugh
Managing Director, NLA
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