Online licensing for more NLA clients this year

In 2010 the NLA responded to customer feedback and launched an online licence renewal service, enabling businesses to renew their copyright licence simply, securely and efficiently online.
2 years on, this is proving a popular and efficient way for businesses to administer their licence, with nearly 1,000 licensees using the service in 2012.
Licensing online, via is simple to use and provides clients with all the information they need to manage their copyright licence for the forthcoming year – including cover details and licence fees. The NLA’s aim is to remove some of the complexity from our licensing process and provide clients with the facility to select the level of cover they need for their media monitoring needs in a way and at a time that suits them. We now want to make online licensing more available.
In the next few months, the service will be extended to a larger group of clients with more extensive media monitoring activity and more involved copyright needs. Clients receiving a press clippings service and sharing relevant content with colleagues, will be able to log in to their NLA account, see their current licence cover and review volume and usage data, to make an informed decision on their licence needs for the forthcoming year.
Clients eligible for the new service will automatically receive an email inviting them to renew their licence online. By clicking on the link provided in the email invitation licensees will be taken directly to their account information and will be guided through the renewal of their licence. NLA Account managers will be on hand to assist where necessary.
Josh Allcorn
Account Manager, Renewals