A winner! NLA and RNIB pick Matopy as the winning entry for IC Tomorrow’s ‘Inclusive Media’ contest

Unlike the rest of the population, visually impaired people are often unable to read newspapers or newspaper websites in their original form. But with advances in technology, and a little hard work, they are increasingly able to receive news from newspaper publishers in an audio form they can easily navigate.
The NLA is pleased to make a contribution to this through its partnership with the Royal National Institute for the Blind. The NLA supplies a daily feed of text from over 100 newspaper titles to their innovations team and the RNIB optimises this content for visually impaired access to create its Talking Newspaper Service.
Now this has been taken a step further. Last week, IC Tomorrow and the Technology Strategy Board awarded a prize of up to £48,000 to a ‘Inclusive Media’ developer. Entrants were required to develop a prototype service for application to newspapers. We are pleased to report that after seeing off tough competition tech company Matopy was the winner. Their new app will deliver newspapers and magazine content in audio in a way that is faster and easier to access - and more fun - than any audio browser/reader available today.
We look forward to seeing it in action!
David Pugh
Managing Director, NLA
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